Free Novel Read

His Confession


  The Black Door Trilogy, Book One

  By S. Valentine


  Copyright © 2015 by S. Valentine.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: February 2016

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-486-8

  ISBN-10: 1-68058-486-3

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  Mom, I want to say a massive thank you for being amazing and supportive, and always listening to me going on and on about my books. And Stefan, thank you for believing that I could achieve my dreams.

  Authors Note:

  Please note that safe sex is practised by all persons throughout this novel, unless otherwise stated.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter One


  Present Day

  Gabi stared at the door, pensive. It was an ordinary black oak door. The gold handle gleamed under the lights of the club and a red glow emanated from the bottom, alluring her to enter. Gabi wasn’t sure whether she found it inviting, or frightening. The door was all that stood in her way, shielding her from the perilous and almost alien world beyond its wooden panel. Gabi knew if she entered, she would defy all boundaries she had ever set for herself. But if she turned and walked the other way, the sleepless nights would continue, curiosities of the unknown would drive her crazy, and worst of all, she would lose him.

  She watched as Darion blew out smoke from his cigar, making it swirl around him, obscuring her view for a split second. He leaned back on the velvet sofa, taking in the surroundings of his lavish club, his green eyes glittering in triumph.

  “Beyond that door is everything anyone could ever want to be fully satisfied. The club is great for voyeurs, fetishists, and exhibitionists,” he informed her, blowing more smoke. “Whether they’re married, in a relationship, single, of any sexual preference, they can come here, socialise, and meet adventurous, like-minded people.”

  He passed her the cigar. Gabi hurriedly took a long drag. As the smoke escaped her red glossed lips, she noticed a salacious longing on Darion’s face. Feeling a blush warm her cheeks, she turned her head from his intense scrutiny.

  “Some people like to watch, some like to be watched, some like to engage in roleplay or fantasies. If they like the look of somebody, they can have them.”

  Gabi remained silent. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. As she suspected, not only did Darion own a gentlemen’s club, but a swingers’ club too. More importantly, he wanted her to experience it all. She had never felt so astounded in all her life. What was she doing in a club where people swapped partners like one big meat market? It sounded dirty, seedy—a place where they indulged in filthy fantasies. Why did these types of people get married, or continue relationships, if they weren’t fully satisfied by them?

  She couldn’t comprehend how people could share an intimate moment, such as lovemaking, in front of an audience, how they could get intimate with strangers, people they knew nothing about. She stubbed the cigar in the ashtray, and drained the last of her white wine.

  As Gabi took in the people around her, she noticed that they weren’t the stereotypical old, bored, married couples. They didn’t look seedy. There were attractive people of all ages. Beautiful men and women were laughing, dancing, and flirting. It looked like a normal club, except that it was far from it.

  Darion leant forward and slowly poured himself some whisky. As he took a large swig, the ice cubes rattled in the glass. When it was empty, he settled it gently on the table and turned his attention to her. She drew in a breath when his hand stroked softly up her bare thigh. Her heart pounded rapidly, and she was unable to ignore the needy ache that persisted between her legs. She hated the fact that such a slight touch turned her on so much. The way that he looked at her made her feel like the most desirable woman in the world.

  “We’ve got mirrored walls, hot tubs, swings, whips, toys. Anything you want, we’ve got. You just wait until you see the club in action.” He winked, and his mouth curved into a slow, inscrutable smile. Gabi could tell that he had given this talk many times.

  He continued to explain what was lurking behind the door as his fingers vanished up her skirt, causing her stomach to tighten in anticipation. Gabi watched him talking. His words were tinny and vacant-sounding as her arousal took over her concentration, making her forget for a moment where she was. As if reading her mind, he stopped talking, his expression darkening as his eyes became wild with need.

  His gaze fell on her swollen lips for a moment, where it lingered, and she knew he was about to kiss her. Slowly leaning toward her until their foreheads were touching, he slipped his tongue into her mouth, caressing hers with gentle strokes. She felt flushed, plagued by excitement. His hands seized her face as he deepened the kiss, hungrily, possessively, devouring her mouth with urgency. Their lips crashed together until Gabi eventually pulled back for air.

  “I can’t wait to fuck you,” he said, his voice a hot whisper, his expression every bit sinister.

  Gabi’s mind had been opened to a lifestyle she had previously been unfamiliar with. She was a different woman now. Her confidence had gone through the roof; Darion knew it too. He liked to show her off, he liked that other men eyed her lustfully, wanting what he had. But how could he be willing to give her to them so freely?

  Coming to her senses, she hastily pushed down her skirt. Her mind was now spinning with confusion, fear spreading through her gut. She couldn’t deny that the playrooms sounded tempting, and a tiny bit of her was curious. But if she participated, would it intensify the passion, or destroy their relationship?

  Darion straightened, and she noticed that his wickedly pos
sessed expression had suddenly turned serious. “There’s something more I need to tell you, Gabi.” He paused before adding, “I haven’t been entirely truthful about myself.”

  Darion slowly climbed to his feet and held out his hand. Gabi stared at it hesitantly. Whatever it was, she knew it couldn’t be good. She cast a nervous glance at the playrooms one final time. She had two options. Flee the scene, and leave Darion, the man she loved, forever. Or walk through that door, and turn her back on life as she knew it.

  Chapter Two

  Five Months Earlier

  Gabi pressed her foot down on the accelerator of her Mercedes convertible. Her heart pounded in her chest, the ache intensifying. With shaky fingers she wound down the window and inhaled a deep breath of air. It didn’t relieve the knots that were tangled in her stomach, the sickening feeling when you just knew something wasn’t right. Loosening her grip on the steering wheel, she sank into the seat.

  The repetitive sound of the wipers scraping against the glass filled her ears. The rain was lashing down fast and had been for the past hour. Thick snow covered the dark streets. The only dim lighting came from the overhead street lamps, but they were far and few between. Undeterred by the unpredictable British weather, Gabi’s mind was clouded with questions that needed answering.

  It was time to find out why her fiancé, Lawrence, had matches to a gentlemen’s club in his pocket. Not only that, but they were from a club situated in Westhaven, a town about an hour away. She felt awful for having snooped through his belongings, but she’d been looking for clues, anything to explain the recent change in his behaviour—the drunken late-night returns, the secret phone calls, their pathetic excuse for a sex life, and his distant, snappy moods, which were apparently a result of being inundated with work.

  Confront him, her sensible side had said. Yeah, right. If he was guilty of seeing someone else, perhaps even a dancer, as if he’d confess. So her suspicious side had won. She’d jotted down the address to find out for herself.

  Gabi peered through the windscreen. The high-rise buildings of the city had faded into the distance, along with the shimmering lights and hustle and bustle of the busy streets. All she saw now were shops, offices, bars, a church, and other enterprises all crammed together, evident of it being a small town.

  After five more minutes of driving, the satellite navigation indicated that Gabi had reached her destination. She slowly veered down a side street, and was relieved when she found a space to park. When she switched off the engine, she remained rooted to the seat for a moment, mentally building up courage with a pep talk. I can do this. She breathed deeply, taking a moment to calm her frenetic heartbeat. Giving the overhead mirror a final glance, she ran a hand through her long, blonde locks and smoothed down her black, knee-length dress.

  Gabi couldn’t believe what she was about to do. But she wouldn’t be able to rest until she knew for certain that there was nothing deplorable about Lawrence’s visit to the club. She thought he detested those sort of places.

  Exiting the vehicle, she trod carefully in her nude Jimmy Choo stilettos as she made her way past several closed shops and followed the sound of music. After meandering down back streets, she took a final left turn. The music was now louder and clearer. She stood beneath flashing lights, her silhouette on the pavement before her. Gabi lifted her gaze to take in a club. It was an average, square, brick building. There were blacked-out windows upstairs except for one, which let out a red glow. Several lights flickered from the large overhead sign, which read ‘The Black Door.’ Another fluorescent light depicted the outline of a nude woman dancing.

  Gabi’s heart skipped a beat when a man sitting near the door startled her with a cough. She caught her breath as she took in his appearance. He was in his mid-forties, with long, dark, slightly greying hair. His brow was pierced, and tattoos covered his arms. She felt her cheeks warm slightly as he slowly scanned her body. He grinned admiringly.

  “Stop perving, Len.”

  Gabi swivelled around to see a pretty redhead, dolled up to the nines. She appeared to look about the same age as Gabi, twenty-seven. Her eyes danced with merriment and a knowledge beyond Gabi’s years, a sure sign she’d experienced and seen a lot more of the world than Gabi had.

  “Hello to you too, Lex,” Len said drily.

  “Darion here yet?”

  “No. He should be here around ten. You need him?”

  “Nah. Hey,” she acknowledged Gabi. “Are you going in?”

  “Er…yes,” Gabi said, gathering her wits. “Yes, I am.”

  Gabi stepped into a fog of cigarette smoke. Rock ‘n’ roll music blared from gigantic speakers. The club was surprisingly bigger than it looked from the outside. Her vision had to adjust to the dimly lit room, which had gentle illumination coming from ceiling spotlights and a main chandelier. She ran her fingertips along one of the many red circular sofas that occupied the room. The expensive velvet was soft on her skin. There were matching red curtains, which offered privacy in booths to her left and right.

  As she moved toward the bar, her heels clacked against the black marble floor. For a second, she was transfixed by the stage before her, where half-naked women were seductively gyrating. One dancer was hanging upside down on a pole, her thighs clamped around it. Several men were watching intently, and others were playing cards, talking, and drinking. Even though it was fairly busy, Gabi noticed only a handful of women.

  “What can I get ya?” Lexi asked, peeling off her jacket to reveal a tight red corset, her voluptuous breasts spilling over the top. Her frilly matching underwear and thigh-high boots completed her racy look.

  Gabi gracefully slid onto a stool at the bar. “I’ll have a white wine, please.”

  Lexi studied the overhead shelf before her, and called out to a scantily dressed brunette, “Hey, Marnie! We outta wine?”

  “Should be some out back.”

  “One minute,” she told Gabi, flashing a friendly smile.

  Seconds later, she returned with a box, dumping it at her feet. Tearing it open, she took out a bottle. Just the sight of it made Gabi lick her dry lips, eager to pour the alcohol down her throat and rid herself of the lump that had lodged itself there. Hopefully, it would also calm her racing heart. When Lexi poured a glass, Gabi took it hurriedly and downed it in one go, barely getting a whiff of the vinegary scent.

  “Tough day at the office?” Lexi asked.

  “Thanks. And yeah. I mean, no.”

  “Trouble in paradise?” She began loading the shelf with the bottles.

  Gabi nodded.

  “Men, huh? Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em. I’m Lexi.”

  “Gabi,” she responded, her hands falling into her lap. An uncomfortable silence loomed in the air. Gabi cleared her throat and went in for the kill before she lost her nerve. “Can I ask you something, Lexi?”

  “Sure.” She shoved the now empty box under a counter.

  “I can’t believe I have to do this, and it’s completely humiliating, but I need to know.”

  “What is it?” Lexi folded her arms across her chest, a concerned expression etched on her face.

  Gabi rummaged through her Louis Vuitton handbag and retrieved her iPhone. “I know you probably don’t remember every single customer that walks in here, but do you recognise this man at all?” She held up her mobile, which had an image of Lawrence on its screen. “He’s my fiancé,” she added quickly. “I think he’s cheating on me.”

  Lexi peered closer to the screen.

  Gabi waited with bated breath for her to answer. She studied Lexi intently for any telltale signs: a flicker of recognition, a flash of guilt, a nervous twitch—but there was nothing.

  “Never seen him in my life. Marnie?”


  “You ever seen this man in here before?”

  Marnie’s curious gaze flitted over Gabi. “Are you with the police or something?”

  “No. I’m trying to find out whether my fiancé is ch
eating on me.”

  “Oh.” Marnie stared at the screen long and hard. She shook her head. “We get so many men in and out, it would be almost impossible to recall,” she responded before dashing off to serve customers who were now lining the bar.

  “What made you think to come here?” Lexi asked.

  “I found the matches from this club in his pocket.”

  “These?” She picked up a black strip of matches, the club’s name printed in gold, swirly writing.

  Gabi nodded.

  “Honey, he could have picked them up from anywhere. Sometimes we hand them out for advertising. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  “Maybe,” Gabi said, although she wasn’t sure she was convinced of Lawrence’s innocence. She put her mobile away and rubbed her aching temples. She was exhausted. “Can I get a lemonade, please?”

  “Sure. No more wine?”

  “I wish, but I’m driving.”

  “Shame. You look like you could use a strong drink.”

  Lexi handed her a glass with ice and a small bottled lemonade. “Anyway, I’ve gotta go dance. I hope you sort everything out with your fiancé.”


  Gabi took a sip of her drink and scanned the club again. She’d expected the gentlemen’s club to be trashy and unpleasant, but it was actually tastefully decorated, luxurious even, with a relaxed vibe, and the dancers were stunning. The crowd grew as several people poured through the entrance, finding tables as close to the stage as possible.


  Gabi turned her attention toward the sound of a male voice.

  “I need you on the pole. Gina can take over here.”

  “Sure, boss,” Marnie responded cheerfully, running a hand through her silky locks. She leant over the bar, her lips meeting his.

  Gabi saw a grin creep over the man’s face whilst they were kissing. He slowly pulled away, giving Marnie a wink before she made her way toward the stage. Gabi’s gaze followed Marnie as she slowly swayed past tables, her body looking sensational in the small tight skirt and crop top that she was wearing. The crowd clapped as she climbed up the steps, her huge platforms not appearing to affect her confident, sexy stride. The spotlight followed her every move. When she spun around, her hair flew out behind her beautifully.